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GOP Rep Optimistic About TPP Fast Track; Calls Doubters “Dead Wrong”

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) refuted a recent Huffington Post story alleging that infighting within the Republican Party could derail a sweeping trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP. “I think they’re dead wrong,” Rep. Brady said on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal on Wednesday. “We’re going to have very strong support among House and Senate Republicans for this.” He claimed that it’s up to the president to show leadership and get Democrats on board. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters on Wednesday that… Keep Reading

Wall Street Bill Would Make Watchdog Perform Legal Services for Banks

A Wall Street-backed bill passed by the House Financial Services Committee last summer would substantially burden the signature oversight institution created by Dodd-Frank financial reform, according to a study released Tuesday. The bill would task the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau with providing over a dozen legal opinions to banks every day, according to the Congressional Budget Office. The CBO found that the legislation would increase CFPB costs by $81.5 million annually over the next ten years–a sizable chunk of the agency’s budget. According to an annual report published… Keep Reading

Americans More Moved By Open Internet Than Planetary Destruction

Climate change has recently been failing to galvanize activists the same way that open internet rules have, according to data on public comments released this week. After a deadline on input passed Monday, the Environmental Protection Agency said it received more than 1.6 million public comments on proposed rules to limit utilities’ carbon emissions. The Federal Communications Commission received 3.9 million letters on proposed Net Neutrality rules after a deadline on relevant public comments passed in November. The number of comments on the pollution regulations appear… Keep Reading

Immigration Fight Could Affect 2016 Elections, Just Not in the Way You Might Think

Every rag in the beltway has opined on how President Obama’s executive actions on immigration will play out in the 2016 elections. But it was Homeland Security chief Jeh Johnson on Tuesday that provided the most concrete electoral consequences of the immigration fight. “We’re back in a presidential election cycle. I cannot hire new Secret Service agents, until I get an appropriations bill passed by this Congress,” Johnson told lawmakers during a House Homeland Security Committee hearing. He was reacting to a strategy being laid… Keep Reading

Expanding Corporate Debt One of “Several Threats to Financial Stability”

The Treasury Department warned Tuesday that corporate borrowing represents one of “several threats to financial stability” to have emerged during the post-2008 economic recovery. The third annual Congressional report published by the department’s Office of Financial Research found that significant corporate loan exposure, the possibility of a liquidity shortage during a downturn, and an increase in activity in “difficult to assess” sectors cast a pall over the US economy. “Assets under management have increased ten-fold over the last five years, driven by a search for… Keep Reading

President Ready to Play Shutdown Chicken Over Immigration

Without a new spending resolution, the government will shut down after December 11th. Republicans in Congress are considering using a new spending bill to defund the president’s recent executive actions on immigration. But in Monday’s press briefing, White House spokesman Josh Earnest made it clear that the president is willing to go to the ledge and over it to protect his immigration reforms. Keep Reading

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