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Obama Labor Regulator to Get Final Shots at Uber Before Trump Appointment


Time is ticking on one of the last pro-labor vestiges of the Obama administration. The National Labor Relations Board is set to make its case against contract language used by Uber to prevent collective action against allegedly abusive bosses. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals said Tuesday that the Board could join plaintiffs in proceedings set to be held on Sept. 20. The case comes weeks before a Supreme Court clash over similar impositions on workers, and months before President Trump will have the opportunity to…

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Government Greenlights Amazon’s Expansion Into Grocery Industry


A proposed $13.7 billion takeover of Whole Foods Market, by the world’s largest online retailer, was approved by federal trust-busters on Wednesday. With regulatory hurdles now cleared, Amazon said it intends to finalize the deal sometime later this year, giving the tech giant an opportunity to bolster its grocery delivery services. Consumer advocates worry that Amazon could leverage its robust supply chain and soon-to-be acquisition of more than 465 Whole Foods stores to dominate the burgeoning home grocery delivery industry. The development would strengthen its…

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Trump’s Economic Council Implodes As White House Defends Fash


Donald Trump’s private and political career has been colored by several accusations of blatant racism, but it was the President’s recent defense of white supremacists and neo-Nazis that forced CEOs to finally distance themselves from the administration. Two White House panels, staffed with CEOs of top companies, were abruptly disbanded on Wednesday by President Trump, whose hand was forced by several high-profile resignations in the wake of the President’s reaction to the racist violence in Charlottesville, Va. The CEO of the mining company 3M, Inge Thulin,…

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DeVos Staffer Could Face Up to Five Years Behind Bars for Work on Industry-Friendly Student Debt Rules


An aide to Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos could be in prison for violating ethics rules, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said on Wednesday. Robert Eitel, a senior counselor to DeVos, was simultaneously employed earlier this year by both the Department of Education and Bridgepoint Education, an operator of for-profit colleges. Warren said that Eitel’s agency work on student debt rules between February and April might run afoul of the criminal code. “This set of rules applied to the [sic] Mr. Eitel from the day of…

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Conservative Outlets Join Groups Lashing Out at Trump FCC, Sinclair-Tribune Mega-Merger


Right-wing media outlets are joining trade associations and public interest advocates in urging lawmakers and the Trump administration to block a merger of giant broadcasters. Executives from One America News Network (OANN) and The Blaze are part of a coalition, announced on Tuesday, formed to oppose the purchase of Tribune Media by Sinclair Broadcasting. The group said that the $3.9 billion deal will give Sinclair access to 72 percent of American homes—almost double the 38 percent of the country that the giant currently reaches. “This…

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Massive DOJ Demand for Info on Dissenters Goes to Court


The Justice Department will attempt on Friday to defend a warrant requiring an internet host to turn over 1.3 million IP addresses of visitors to a website critical of the Trump administration. Dreamhost, the subject of the DOJ order, called it a “clear abuse of government authority.” The company has been fighting the warrant for months leading up to Friday’s court date on the matter. Federal prosecutors are seeking the IP addresses of anyone who visited disruptj20.org, a website hosted by Dreamhost, as well as the website’s…

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Pentagon Ready for “Full Range” of Options, Despite South Korea Pleas to Rule Out War


The highest-ranking US military officer again warned that the Trump administration stands ready to attack North Korea, despite pleas for peace from South Korea. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Joseph Dunford on Monday said that the Pentagon is prepared “to use the full range of military capabilities to defend our allies and the US homeland.” Dunford made the comments in Seoul while meeting with South Korean civilian and military officials. South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Monday urged the sabre-rattling to stop, declaring “there must…

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Ford Rangers, Drones, and Helicopters: A Snapshot of the US-Supplied Afghan Defense Force


More than $60 billion has been spent by the Pentagon providing arms to the Afghan National Defense and Security Force (ANDSF), according to a review by a government watchdog. Mandated by the 2017 defense policy bill, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) catalogued all the military hardware provided to Afghan police and defense forces since America’s longest running war began back in 2002. The GAO’s findings offer the most detailed glimpse yet into the armaments of the Afghan military. In total, Afghan security forces have received more than 884,000…

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Republicans Lean on Clinton-Era Law for Broadband Conglomerates


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is reinterpreting a key law to consider relaxing constraints on telecoms giants. Republican Chair Ajit Pai this week invoked Section 706 of the Telecommunications Act to argue that smartphones alone could help broadband providers meet statutory requirements on access and deployment. “We propose to incorporate both fixed and mobile advanced telecommunications services into our Section 706 inquiry,” agency filings said on Tuesday, in a notice of inquiry. The FCC will accept comments on the proposal for two weeks starting on…

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Bank CEOs Silent As Interest Groups Work to Preserve Abusive Forced Arbitration


Senator Elizabeth Warren (D- Mass.) fired off letters to CEO’s of the nation’s top financial firms, calling on them to publicly reveal their positions on a lobbying effort in their name aimed at striking down new consumer protections. In her missive, Warren noted that interest groups that represent the firms, like the US Chamber of Commerce, the American Bankers Associated, and the Financial Services Roundtable, have been ginning up support to repeal a recently-implemented Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) rule against forced arbitration. The rule, which…

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Dirty Energy Swamp On the Rise–U.S. to Become Net Gas Exporter for First Time in 59 Years


Any effort to green the economy in the coming years could encounter even greater resistance from the dirty energy industry: its stakeholders are growing in number. The United States is set to become a net-exporter of natural gas this year, according to an Energy Information Administration blog post published on Wednesday. The capacity of the US to ship liquid natural gas (LNG) abroad is only expected to increase in the coming years, too, with five export terminals currently under construction. Americans have, on average, been net…

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