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Schumer Praises Trump Embassy Move, As Israel Massacres Palestinian Demonstrators


The top ranking Democratic lawmaker hailed the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem, as the Israeli military gunned down non-violent Palestinian marchers protesting the theft of their land. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) praised the ribbon-cutting on Monday. He said in a statement: “Every nation should have the right to choose its capital.” “I sponsored legislation to do this two decades ago, and I applaud President Trump for doing it,” Schumer said. Palestinians, however, have also claimed Jerusalem as their capital. The international community currently recognizes…

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Sen. Manchin, Whose Daughter Raised the Price of EpiPens by 500-Percent, Asks Why Drug Prices Are so High


Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar was asked about rising drug prices in America during a Congressional hearing on Thursday, and both his response to the question and the Senator who posed it were noteworthy. “Why are pharmaceuticals charging so much?” Joe Manchin (D-W. Va.) asked Azar, who was testifying before a Senate appropriations subcommittee. Citizens of the US spend vastly more on drugs than their counterparts in the rest of the developed world. It results in nearly 19 million Americans every year purchasing…

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Ajit Pai Schedules June 11 Net Neutrality Reversal Date


The clock is ticking on Net Neutrality. The Federal Communications Commission said Thursday that President Obama’s strengthening of the key internet regulation will expire on June 11. Commissioners had previously voted in December along party lines to roll back the 2015 Net Neutrality rules. “The FCC is on the wrong side of history, the wrong side of the law, and the wrong side of the American people,” said Democratic Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel. FCC Chair Ajit Pai remarked that the vote would end “heavy-handed, utility-style regulation”…

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Haspel Frustrates Democrats, Refuses to Call Torture “Immoral”


Heading into Wednesday’s confirmation hearing, Gina Haspel knew she’d face probing questions about her involvement in the Central Intelligence Agency post-9/11 torture program. But the nominee to lead the spy service appeared unprepared to answer the most basic question: Was it moral? Haspel resisted several senators’ attempts to pry loose her personal feelings on the agency’s “enhanced interrogation” program. The nominee, a career CIA officer, explicitly said she would not judge the actions of her colleagues at the time, and even implied the methods were…

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Congress Makes it Harder to Punish Discriminatory Auto-Lending


Richard Cordray won the Ohio Democratic gubernatorial primary on Tuesday. Earlier in the day, lawmakers in Washington undermined part of his legacy. The House of Representatives voted 234-175 to approve of a Senate-passed bill annulling guidance issued by Cordray, when he was Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Eleven Democrats joined every Republican but two in approving the measure. The bill now only needs President Trump’s signature before becoming law. The memo, first released by the CFPB in 2013, was crafted to clampdown on…

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Trump Instructs U.S. to Violate Iran Nuke Accord


An historic agreement between the United States, Iran, and members of the UN Security Council is in tatters following a decision by President Trump to pull the US out of the agreement. In a speech from the White House on Wednesday, Trump said the US would violate the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and reinstitute sanctions on Tehran. “It is clear to me that we cannot prevent an Iranian nuclear bomb under the decaying and rotten structure of the current agreement,” the President claimed.…

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Sessions Claims “ACLU Effect” Caused Chicago Murder Rate Increase


Attorney General Jeff Sessions blamed critics of heavy-handed policing for a spike in homicides in Chicago two years ago. Sessions claimed Tuesday that the increase in violence was caused by litigation brought by the American Civil Liberties Union in response to “stop-and-frisk” searches by the Chicago Police Department. The Attorney General made the allegations at a law enforcement training conference in Gatlinburg, Tenn., according to prepared remarks released by the Justice Department. He cited recently published research on Chicago violence by two scholars at the…

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Trump Calls Kerry Outreach “Possibly Illegal Shadow Diplomacy”


President Trump floated the idea that former Secretary of State John Kerry could face criminal charges for lobbying to salvage the Iranian Nuclear Deal. Trump made the statement on Monday morning through Twitter, in reference to a Boston Globe article published last week. The publication revealed on Friday that Kerry has been in touch with Iranian and European officials in a bid protect the deal—the most significant international accord signed by the US government under the Obama administration. “The United States does not need John…

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Pompeo Welcomed to State by Apologist for Church Pedophilia Exposed by “Spotlight” Reporters


Former CIA Director Mike Pompeo was sworn in as Secretary of State on Wednesday, kicking off his rein with a prayer by a controversial fundamentalist. The start of the ceremony featured an invocation by Mary Ann Glendon, a far-right anti-abortion Harvard Law scholar who once attacked investigative reporting on the Catholic Church’s protection of pedophiles. “We ask these blessings, Lord, with thankful hearts, and with gratitude for the countless blessings you have already bestowed upon our land,” Glendon said. “And we ask for forgiveness for…

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NASA’s Project Portfolio is Dogged by Record-Breaking Delays


The nation’s space projects are facing the longest delays ever recorded, according to an audit by a federal watchdog. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) examined NASA’s major projects portfolio, and discovered that the average launch delay was 12 months. “Cost and schedule performance….has deteriorated,” the GAO reported. Delays are not expected to improve moving forward, the oversight agency also found, citing “cost and schedule growth in the future.” “Complex new projects are starting up, and other expensive projects are taking longer to launch than expected,”…

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Former White House Adviser, Billionaire Carl Icahn Received Lucrative Waiver from EPA


EPA administrator Scott Pruitt has granted valuable exemptions from renewable fuel requirements to an oil refinery owned by Carl Icahn–the billionaire investor and former adviser to President Trump. Pruitt granted a waiver from the rules in recent months to CVR Energy Inc., according to a report on Monday in Reuters citing two unnamed industry sources. The Obama era program was created to force petroleum refineries to either use more biofuel or purchase biofuel credits in an effort to reduce energy emissions. Waivers to the program…

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