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Just Giving Orders–SCOTUS, Again, Says Top Bush Officials Can’t Be Sued for Post-9/11 Abuses


The Supreme Court may be the ultimate arbiter of constitutionality, but the body will not allow a class action lawsuit to proceed against ex-federal officials who oversaw War on Terror abuses. Justices ruled 4-2 on Monday that Congress has not allowed the judicial branch to permit the lawsuit, which was based on alleged Fourth and Fifth Amendment violations. Before becoming a wider-reaching class action, the suit was filed by six Arab and South Asian men who were detained immediately after 9/11. The litigation sought damages…

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Democratic Resistance to GOP Senate Health Care Push Takes Shape


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is staking out this week as the time to obstruct Republicans’ still-secret health care legislation. Speaking to reporters, a Democratic aide revealed that beginning Monday night, Democrats would withhold consent on nearly every GOP request in the Senate. That tactic could slow down Senate business, including committee work. “If Republicans won’t relent and debate their healthcare bill in the open for the American people to see, then they shouldn’t expect business as usual in the Senate,” Sen. Schumer said.…

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GOP Subcommittee Leader Blasts Trump Air Traffic Privatization Push


A case for Ronald Reagan conservatism, it wasn’t. The Republican head of a congressional panel offered substantive ideological criticism of President Trump’s proposal to privatize the US air traffic control system. Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.), chair of the House appropriations subcommittee on transportation, said on Thursday that he was concerned the Trump administration is working to establish an unaccountable “corporate monopoly.” “I’m concerned that the proposal would reduce or even eliminate, frankly, the public’s voice in something as critical as our national air traffic controller,” Diaz-Balart said.…

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Bernie, Rand Lone Voices Against Iran-Russia Sanctions Bill


Every single Democrat in the Senate joined every single Republican but one to pass a new sanctions package targeting Iran and Russia. The vote was 98-2, with the opposition consisting entirely of Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rand Paul (R-Ky.). The measure broadens sanctions on Iran’s ballistic missile activity. It applies new restrictions to foreign entities that do business with known suppliers of Tehran’s missile program, such as banks and energy companies. In an amendment approved almost entirely by the Senate on Wednesday, Russian sanctions…

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EPA Attempting to Stall Methane Rules to Death


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is moving to further delay implementation of a rule that would limit the release of methane—a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to the warming of the planet. In a notice of proposed rulemaking set to be published in the Federal Register on Thursday, the agency is seeking to grant fossil fuel drilling industries a two-year reprieve from complying with the regulation. The two-year delay would likely be followed by an action to completely eliminate the rule. Approved in 2016 by…

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Saudi Arabia Arms Deal Threatens Israel “Qualitative Military Edge,” Dem Congressman Frets


A Democratic Congressman has concerns about the Trump Administration’s plans to sell $110 billion in arms to Saudi Arabia: it could make Israel’s military relatively less powerful. “Can you provide the committee with an assurance that the State Department will closely scrutinize any proposed sales to ensure that they do not adversely impact Israel’s qualitative military edge?” Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) asked Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Wednesday. Sherman also asked about State overseeing the deal to prohibit the sale of F-35 jet-fighters to…

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White House Impatience Pushing Senate Republicans Down Precarious Path to Obamacare Repeal


President Trump applied more pressure on an already rushed and secretive effort to pass a repeal of the Affordable Care Act before the Fourth of July recess. During a White House meeting Tuesday with a group of Senate Republicans, the President was asked what his timetable was for signing a new healthcare bill. “As soon as we can do it,” Trump responded. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has already set-up a fast track for a repeal bill. Last week he invoked Rule 14, which…

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Children of Oligarchs Gearing Up for Even More Family-Based Windfall Under Trump, Mnuchin


As Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin has significant influence over how tax policy is crafted and enforced. But he doesn’t think that sway should be used to ask for more contributions from modern day aristocrats. “The super-rich have plenty of gimmicks so that they don’t need to pay the estate tax,” Mnuchin said at a Senate Budget Committee hearing. He was asked by Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) about Trump’s plans to fully abolish the tax. Mnuchin had hit out against the estate tax just beforehand, when asked…

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Historic Lawsuit Launched Against Trump, Alleging Constitutional Violations


Maryland and Washington, DC sued President Donald Trump on Monday, charging the Commander in Chief with improperly accepting foreign payments and gifts in violation of the US Constitution. Attorneys General in DC and Maryland–Karl Racine and Brian Frosh–brought the suit. It marks the first time ever that government bodies have sued a sitting President for betraying the Emoluments Clause. The plaintiffs allege that, despite handing off the Trump Organization to his sons two be managed, Trump is still very much involved in its operations, and, therefore, receiving…

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Gorsuch Debut: SCOTUS Rules Banks Can Attempt to Collect Defaulted Debts


Neil Gorsuch issued his first Supreme Court opinion on Monday, delivering a decision limiting the scope of a law protecting consumers from abusive debt collection practices. Gorsuch wrote that the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) only applies to agencies working on behalf of creditors, and that it’s legal for banks to attempt to collect on defaulted debts that they have purchased. Keeping with Supreme Court tradition, the rookie Justice’s debut opinion was short—just thirteen pages long—and relatively uncontroversial in the legal world. There were…

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Escalation in Syria: Pro-Government and U.S. Forces Clash Near Border Town for Third Time


Syrian government and American forces engaged in firefights on Thursday outside of At Tanf, a desert town near the borders of Jordan and Iraq. American forces “destroyed” two armed trucks that “advanced toward Coalition forces,” according to the US military. Shortly afterward, American warplanes downed an armed Syrian drone “after it fired on Coalition forces,” the Pentagon said. Although the drone “hit dirt,” American officials said that the discharge wasn’t intended to serve as a warning shot, according to Reuters. The Pentagon said that the…

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