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Beyond Trump, Comey Testimony Bruises Current and Former Attorneys General


In his opening statement before the Senate Intelligence Committee, the recently-fired FBI Director called the President of the United States a liar. James Comey also told the panel on Thursday that he believes he was terminated for his handling of the Russia probe, and that Trump’s requests for him to drop a separate investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn were “stunning.” The much-anticipated hearing on Capitol Hill treaded mostly along the written testimony provided to the committee by Comey, which was publicly released Wednesday…

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Senators Vent at Spy Chiefs’ Wall of Silence on Trump Obstruction Charges


Lawmakers on the Senate Intelligence Committee were dismayed Wednesday over the lack of candor from top US officials when asked direct questions about their possible improper interactions with the President of the United States. The focus of the hearing was supposed to be on the reauthorization of surveillance authorities under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). That agenda, however, was derailed after the Washington Post reported Tuesday that President Trump reached out to his Director of National Intelligence, and the heads of the NSA and…

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Glass-Steagall Hail Mary Falls Short–Quietly, With Dems’ Help–as Dodd-Frank Repeal Advances to House Floor


An ambitious bid to replace Republicans’ Dodd-Frank repeal proposal with legislation restoring Glass-Steagall was defeated on Tuesday. The House Rules Committee voted down the bipartisan Glass-Steagall restoration bill before advancing the push to washout financial reforms passed after last decade’s massive banking collapse. The move, which wasn’t unexpected, means that the lower chamber will likely go ahead this week with considering conservatives’ Dodd-Frank replacement. While Democrats on the committee asked for a roll call vote after the Dodd-Frank repeal advanced along party lines, they did…

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Top Intel Dem: New Leaker Should be Prosecuted to “Full Extent”


Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) doesn’t want leniency for the source of classified information in a recent story by The Intercept about Russian cyber operations related to last year’s election. The Ranking Member of the Senate Intelligence Committee told USA Today on Tuesday: “Whoever’s the leaker should be pursued to the full extent of the law.” Warner did, however, ascribe some value to the information revealed by The Intercept and its source. He said that he was calling on intel agencies to declassify more details about the alleged Russian cyber…

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GOP Senator’s Public School-Mayonnaise Analogy Allows Democrat to Tee Off on DeVos Corporate Education Agenda


A freshman Republican lawmaker on Tuesday compared public schools to a sandwich topping. Sen. John Neely Kennedy (R-La.) said that parents should be able to select what taxpayer-funded school their children attend because he has the freedom to choose from different kinds of condiments when shopping. “I can go down to my overpriced Capitol Hill grocery this afternoon and choose among about six different types of mayonnaise,” Kennedy said. “How come I can’t do that for my kid and school?” he rhetorically asked Secretary of…

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Trump Unveils Air Traffic Privatization Plan, Amid Push to Sell Transportation Infrastructure to Corporate America


The White House on Monday announced its plan to privatize the US air traffic control system. President Trump did not reveal many details of the sell-off, simply stating that he would be “proposing new principles to Congress.” Trump also said the sale would go to “one great company that can piece it all together,” and that it would be “non-profit” and “self-financing.” The President claimed that “passenger advocates [and] pilot unions” support the plan, but one major labor stakeholder said that it is awaiting crucial details.…

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U.S. Congressman Calls for Holy War Against “Islamic Horror,” Says “Kill All” Suspects


A freshman lawmaker reacted to the attacks in London over the weekend with a threatening social media post, calling for violence against Muslims. The comments were made on a verified Facebook page belonging to Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.). The congressman called for hunting down and killing all “radicalized Islamic suspects.” “The free world… all of Christendom… is at war with Islamic horror,” Higgins wrote. “Not a single radicalized Islamic suspect should be granted any measure of quarter,” he added, saying, “every conceivable measure should be…

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Trump’s Laptop Ban Halted on Shores of Europe Again…And For Now


Europe is again resisting efforts by the Trump administration to install a laptop ban on all flights headed to US destinations. Following a conference call Tuesday afternoon between Department of Homeland Security and European Commission officials, it was reported that the Trump administration is not extending its laptop restrictions to EU airports. A commission official told Politico that there would be “no ban” and that “both sides have agreed to intensify technical talks and try to find a common solution.” In March, the Trump administration…

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U.S. Military Calls Anti-Missile Deployment “Very Transparent,” After South Korean President Decries Secrecy


The Pentagon claimed it has been upfront in its dealings with South Korea, after the country’s newly-elected president said that a US missile defense system is being partially-deployed in secrecy. President Moon Jae-in said on Tuesday that he was “very shocked” to hear that four additional launchers were recently added to the Terminal High Altitude Aerial Defense (THAAD) system. He ordered an inquiry to probe the actions of his own Ministry of Defense. US military officials, however, say they have been nothing but forthright in…

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On the War Path: Bill That Threatens Iran Deal Passes Senate Committee By Landslide


The Senate Foreign Relations Committee overwhelmingly advanced legislation that could kill the Iran Nuclear Deal, according to advocates of the initiative, including former Secretary of State John Kerry. A bill that would impose additional sanctions on Iran passed the committee on Thursday in an 18-3 vote. The only “no” votes came from Sens. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Tom Udall (D-N.M.). The legislation would penalize Iranian entities involved in Tehran’s ballistic missile program. Proponents of the nuclear deal say this would violate terms…

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Rep. Cummings Cites “Grave Concerns” Over Trump’s Emoluments Policy


A frustrated Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) sent a letter to officials within the Trump Organization, pressing for more information about how the President’s businesses operate in compliance with the US Constitution. Cummings released to the public on Wednesday a 9-page glossy pamphlet provided by the Trump Organization to the House Oversight Committee this month. The document detailed how Trump’s business would avoid violating the Constitution’s emoluments clause, which prohibits Presidents from accepting foreign gifts. Government ethics watchdogs warned that foreign entities could attempt to curry…

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