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SCOTUS: Okay for Debt Collectors to Hound People, Even After Statute of Limitations Expires


The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that debt collectors can pursue payments, even if they’re fully-aware that the validity of their claim has expired. Justices ruled 5-3 that creditors can file litigation to get money owed by debtors, after the statute of limitations on the debt has passed. The decision reversed a federal appellate court order, which forbade the behavior under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. The case centered around an Alabama woman, Aleida Johnson, who had filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, in federal…

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Acting FBI Chief Shoots Down Admin’s Comey Firing Justification


The man temporarily leading the FBI told senators that one of the White House’s reasons for firing James Comey was “not accurate.” Andrew McCabe, the interim FBI head, testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday, occupying a chair that was supposed to be filled by Comey, until the former Bureau director was abruptly canned by the President on Tuesday. McCabe disputed the administration’s characterization the previous day by Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, that “the rank-and-file of the FBI had lost confidence in their…

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Senate Dems Now Call on Rosenstein to Stand Down from Russia Probe


UPDATE: Rosenstein met with Senate Intelligence Committee leaders, and declined to recuse himself. Top Senate Democrats are turning up the heat on a high-ranking political appointee at the center of the James Comey firestorm. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Judiciary Committee ranking member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) lashed out at Rod Rosenstein on Thursday morning. The pair called on the Deputy Attorney General to recuse himself from the investigation into both alleged Russian meddling in last year’s election and any involvement by members of the Trump…

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Rare Setback for the GOP Assault on Obama-Era Regulations


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) dismissed Democrats’ outrage over the firing of FBI Director James Comey, and promptly proceeded to business as usual in the upper chamber: repealing regulations approved by the prior administration. Only this time, the Majority Leader didn’t succeed. A motion to advance legislation that would repeal a methane emissions rule was defeated Wednesday morning in a 51-49 vote. Republicans tried to move the resolution forward under the Congressional Review Act (CRA)—a law that allows Congress to repeal recently-approved regulations by a…

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Feinstein: Comey Firing Very Sketchy After March Classified Briefing


The top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee protested the firing of James Comey by bringing up a classified briefing that the now-former FBI Director conducted almost two months ago. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said Wednesday that Comey presented “substantial information” on the bureau probe into alleged election meddling by the Russian government. The briefing, which took place on March 15, was also attended by Judiciary Committee Chair Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). “I can’t go into the specifics, but you and I know that it was…

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Dept. of Energy Declares “Emergency” At Nation’s Most Radioactive Site


A tunnel collapse at the Hanford Nuclear site forced workers to evacuate or take cover out of fear of a potential radiological release. The incident occurred Tuesday morning, prompting the Department of Energy to issue an alert to employees, the media, and residents nearby. “There are concerns about subsidence in the soil covering railroad tunnels near a former chemical processing facility,” the statement read. It later described a 20-square-foot cave-in of soil into tunnels carrying “contaminated materials.” The DOE claimed that there is “no indication…

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More US Troops, Airstrikes Could Soon Be Headed to Afghanistan


The Trump administration looks poised to send up to 5,000 additional troops to Afghanistan while loosening the rules of engagement for US forces there. The deployment and ratcheting up of hostilities would be aimed at strengthening the Afghan government’s hand in peace negotiations with the Taliban, according to The Washington Post and The New York Times. The Post, which first reported the development late Monday, said that President Trump has yet to approve of the plan. He is expected make a decision before a May…

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Kushner Sister Invokes Jared, In Appeal to Chinese Investors


The sister of White House aide Jared Kushner leveraged her brother’s name in a sales pitch to Chinese investors, on behalf of the family’s real estate venture. Nicole Meyer cited the high-level Presidential staffer and his recent involvement with Kushner Companies in Beijing, on Saturday, while attempting to raise capital to build luxury apartments in Jersey City, N.J.. Meyer mentioned her brother and touted the investment opportunity as important to “me and my entirely family,” according to both The New York Times and The Washington…

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Sen. Cotton: Give the Military Free Rein to Use Whatever Weapons it Wishes


Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) mocked the concept of civilian control of the military, and defended the recent dropping of the “Mother of all Bombs” in Afghanistan—a weapon that had never before been used in combat. During a Senate Armed Services Committee oversight hearing of US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) on Thursday, Cotton made the case for giving military operators free rein to use whatever weapons they deem necessary—regardless of what elected officials’ concerns might be. He went on to describe the fallout from the dropping…

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FBI Suggests Assange’s Asylum Only Thing Keeping Him Out of U.S. Handcuffs


In testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, FBI Director James Comey confirmed that the US is interested in arresting WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The online publishing outfit–known for disclosing secret US government documents, and most recently, the internal emails of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta–is “an important focus” of the FBI, Comey told the Committee. Asked why Assange has yet to be arrested, Comey said bluntly: “He hasn’t been apprehended because he’s inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London.” The…

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Scumbag Scott? EPA Head Pruitt Allegedly Violated His Own Ethics Agreement Already


President Trump’s top environmental regulator has been accused by Senate Democrats of violating his own ethics agreement. Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt allegedly failed to seek proper authorization before partaking in a lawsuit over Ozone standards set by the Obama administration. Pruitt had an interest in the case as a plaintiff, while Oklahoma Attorney General. “Under your tenure as Administrator, the EPA has already asked the courts five times to delay consideration of a lawsuit,” five Democratic Senators said, in a letter sent on…

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