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“Worse Since Trump’s Election” — For-Profit I.C.E. Jail Faces Second Hunger Strike in Two Years


A hunger strike at a privately-run immigration detention facility in Tacoma, Wash. is slated to enter its third day on Thursday. More than 750 people are participating, according to supporters holding a demonstration at noon on Wednesday, in front of the Northwest Detention Center (NWDC). The rally is being held, in part, to see if the hunger strike will continue. Inmates began refusing meals at lunchtime on Monday, in protest over conditions at the privately-run prison. Specifically, they want speedier hearings, improved food and healthcare…

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Trump Sparks Immigration Detention “Race to the Bottom”


Needing more jail space to carry out sweeping deportation actions, the Trump administration may gut safe detainment regulations to entice local prisons to offer up their cells for the effort. The new contracts with jailers would roll back many of the protections afforded to detained immigrants under the Obama administration, including medical care upon request within 24 hours and translation services. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) rules that required suicidal detainees to be checked on every 15 minutes, and notification when individuals spend more than…

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Pentagon Sued Over Gitmo Cancer Outbreak


A lawsuit filed on Tuesday alleges that the Department of Defense failed to account for hazardous waste at the Guantanamo Bay military prison, which has contributed to high cancer rates of personnel onsite. The legal actions were brought by attorneys who work out of the facility’s Camp Justice—the hub for military commission proceedings. The suit notes that nine individuals who have worked at the camp have been diagnosed with cancer. Three have since died. “For years, personnel have raised concerns regarding conditions and environmental contamination…

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Mulvaney Now Nudging Government Toward Shutdown from White House, Pushing Anti-Immigrant Policy


A key White House aide and former lawmaker that spearheaded fiscal gridlock under President Obama is reportedly at it again. Mick Mulvaney is asking GOP legislators to support a controversial immigration provision on a bill required to keep the government funded by the end of the month, according to Politico. The Office of Management and Budget Director is seeking legislative “language to restrict federal funding grants” for localities that refuse to assist immigration officials, the publication reported. Supporters of so-called “sanctuary cities” say the practice engenders…

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Sessions Stops Initiatives Launched to Improve Accuracy of Cop Testimony


Attorney General Jeff Sessions is putting a halt to both independent and internal Justice Department work designed to improve the reliability of police testimony. Sessions announced Monday that he would end the federally-funded National Commission on Forensic Science (NCFS). The Department also said the same day that it would “suspend” a broad review of FBI crime scene analysis techniques, according to The Washington Post. In justifying his decisions, Sessions leaned heavy on federalist language, saying: “the vast majority of forensic science is practiced by state…

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Oversight Agency Announces Probe of Trump Transition Activities


The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has agreed to a request from Democratic lawmakers to review President Trump’s transition for possible conflicts of interest and unusual foreign contacts. The GAO’s fact-finding mission will focus on how public funds were managed during the period before the President took office, if the proper financial disclosures of transition officials were made, and whether national security protocols were followed with overseas communications. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) formally requested the GAO investigation last November. “Mr. Trump’s…

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“US Law Enforcement Agency” Assisted Major Bank CEO in Whistleblower Hunt


The head of a major British bank had help from the US government in attempting to unmask the identity of a whistleblower. Barclays CEO Jes Staley tasked an information security team to find out the source of an anonymous letter critical of another senior executive. The team then reached out to federal officials for assistance, and received it. The hunt was ultimately “unsuccessful” and Staley subsequently took no further steps to ferret out the name of the author, according to an announcement published Monday by the…

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Trump’s Secret Service Sued for Visitor Logs


A coalition of transparency advocacy groups filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to compel President Trump’s protective detail to turn over the names of individuals that he is meeting. The scope of the FOIA action includes visitor names and the dates they met with the President at the White House and at other Trump residences: Mar-a-Lago in Florida, and Trump Tower in New York. The lawsuit was initiated by the liberal non-profit group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW). The National Security…

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Bye-Bye, SCOTUS Filibuster! Republicans Change Rules to Advance Gorsuch


Republicans voted to amend Senate procedural rules, effectively erasing the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees. All fifty-two Republican senators voted to invoke the so-called “nuclear option,” after Democrats managed to whip the 41 votes they needed to successfully obstruct the nomination of Neil Gorsuch. Now, only a simple majority is required to advance Supreme Court nominees through the Senate, starting with Gorsuch. President Trump’s Supreme Court pick is expected to be confirmed on Friday. The threshold for approval had previously been 60 votes—the amount of…

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Report: Lawmakers’ Overseas Communications Intercepted on a Monthly Basis


A select group on Capitol Hill is notified on a near monthly basis that US lawmakers and their staff often have their conversations collected by intelligence agencies. The so-called Gang of Eight are the only ones on Capitol Hill privy to the intercept notifications, and they’re briefed “as often as once a month,” according to a report by Circa. The gang includes Democratic and Republican leadership posts in the House and Senate, and intelligence committee chairs and ranking members from both chambers. News of the…

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Hardline Anti-CFPB Republican Accuses Agency of Being “Asleep At Wheel” During Wells Fargo Scandal


A conservative lawmaker who has repeatedly tried to hamstring the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is now claiming it hasn’t done enough to clampdown on banking abuses. Rep. Ann Wagner (R-Mo.) hit out at the agency’s director on Wednesday, accusing Richard Cordray and his staff of incompetence. She said the CFPB should have acted sooner, when Wells Fargo was signing up millions of customers for financial products without their consent. “The only conclusion there is to draw from the Wells Fargo scandal is that CFPB was asleep…

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