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Senators Clash Over Trump’s “Extreme Vetting”


During a hearing Wednesday with the Homeland Security chief, Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) ripped apart the Trump administration’s plans for “extreme vetting” of foreign travelers. She was then accused of fomenting hysteria by her colleague, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who warned that people were trying to bring cell phone bombs aboard airplanes. The heated back-and-forth occurred during proceedings before the Senate Homeland Security Committee, featuring testimony from DHS Secretary John Kelly. “You’ve got to understand, Secretary Kelly,” McCaskill said, “if they know we’re going to…

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Congress Subpoenas D.E.A. for Informant Policy


In a dramatic display that stretched across two committee hearings on Tuesday, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) subpoenaed the head of the Drug Enforcement Administration for documents on its confidential sources program. Members of Congress have been seeking copies of the DEA’s informant guidelines since last year, following an eye-opening report by the Department of Justice watchdog. The agency’s inspector general detailed how the agency doled out more than $200 million to confidential sources with very little oversight. Lawmakers have only been allowed to view the…

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Iran Deal Working, Trump Administration Concedes


President Trump has repeatedly attacked the Iranian nuclear deal, and last month promised to approach enforcement of the agreement with “great strictness.” But according to one administration official, the agreement is doing precisely what it set out to accomplish. The head of US Strategic Command said Tuesday that Iran is not attempting to acquire nuclear weapons, and that it is abiding by the terms of the deal—agreed to in 2015 by the Iranian government, the Obama administration, Germany and the five permanent members of the…

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Trump Aims to Upgrade US-Egypt Relationship Status from “It’s Complicated”


Egyptian leader Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi was warmly welcomed to the White House on Monday, four years after he assumed power in a military coup. During a brief sit down in front of reporters, President Trump described his relationship with Sisi as “very close,” and added that the US was “very much behind” the controversial world leader. The new administration’s invitation and effusive praise for the former general marks a shift from the prior US president’s posture—at least optically. Sisi took power in Cairo in 2013, deposing…

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Republicans Threaten to “Go Nuclear” on Filibuster by Thursday


The filibuster could be gone–or at least significantly amended–by Friday, after Democrats gained the votes to hold up the nomination of Neil Gorsuch. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has threatened to hold a vote on amending the parliamentary rule—something that would require the support of all but one of his Republican colleagues. McConnell said on Sunday that Gorsuch will be confirmed to the Supreme Court “this week.” Fox News reported Monday that “senior Republican sources” are claiming “McConnell has the votes” to change Senate procedures.…

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Senate Hearing: Russian “Active Measures” Could Undermine Jury Duty


A witness testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee’s first public hearing on alleged Russian election-meddling claimed that Kremlin cyber operations could split the US apart. Compared to its counterpart in the House, the Senate Intelligence Committee has been heralded as the sober panel–one putting aside politics to get to the bottom of what actually happened in last year’s election. During Thursday’s proceedings, however, both witnesses and lawmakers peddled hyperbole which did not seem aimed at advancing a serious inquiry. “Americans should be concerned because right…

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Pence Breaks Senate Deadlock in Attack on Planned Parenthood


Senate Republicans needed to summon the Vice President to cast the tie-breaking vote on legislation crafted to starve Planned Parenthood of money. Mike Pence was the deciding factor Thursday, after two Republicans joined Democrats in rejecting the bill—another Congressional Review Act repeal of a late Obama administration rule. Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) did not vote with their Republican colleagues. The legislation passed 51-50. “It is unprecedented that we are here with the Vice President breaking a tie vote on an attack…

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After GOP Healthcare Embarrassment, Bannon-Style “Administrative Deconstruction” of Obamacare is Coming


Democrats spent little time on Wednesday gloating about Republicans’ recent Obamacare repeal failure and instead blasted the Trump administration for planned cuts to the Department of Health and Human Services. One Democratic legislator after another teed off on Department Secretary Tom Price, in an appropriations subcommittee hearing. They accused him of planning to wreck Obamacare through executive inaction and austerity measures. Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) said Price was carrying out a strategy articulated by Steve Bannon, the ex-Breitbart editor and White House aide. “I see…

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CENTCOM Chief Denies Loosening Civilian Targeting Rules, Deflects Blame For Mosul Deaths


A top US military commander is denying reports that that the Pentagon has relaxed its targeting protocols, despite rapidly increasing civilian casualty rates in Syria and Iraq. The head of US Central Command (CENTCOM), Gen. Joseph Votel, testified before the House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday, providing details on the military’s probe of a series of airstrikes in Mosul in recent weeks that have reportedly killed upwards of 300 civilians. Votel noted he agreed with an analysis made Tuesday, by Lt. Gen. Steve Townsend, that concluded there…

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Congress Seeks to Penalize Peaceful Pro-Palestine Movement, Amid Annual AIPAC Lobbying Blitz


The influential pro-Israel group AIPAC is asking supporters to back recently-drafted legislation that seeks to punish a peaceful movement in solidarity with Palestinians. The organization, which is in Washington this week for an annual policy conference, is dispatching members to lobby lawmakers to pass the bill. One Washington-based group decrying Israel’s occupation of Palestine has said the proposal is unconstitutional. “This dangerous bill seeks to impose fines on corporations that boycott business dealings with illegal Israeli settlements,” said Josh Ruebner, the policy director of the US…

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White House Digs Claws Deeper in Congressional Probe of Russia Connections


*UPDATED TO INCLUDE RESPONSE FROM WHITE HOUSE* A decision to abruptly cancel House Intelligence Committee hearings this week was reportedly forced by the Trump administration. The Washington Post obtained letters regarding a forthcoming appearance of former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates before the committee, as part of its investigation into possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials. Yates was slated to appear before the panel on Tuesday, but the correspondences retrieved by the Post suggest that the White House moved to block her…

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