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Lawmakers Warn that NLRB Spending Freeze Could Violate Federal Law


A pair of Democratic legislators caught wind of an attempt by the White House to claw back funding for the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)—a move that could potentially be illegal. Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) wrote a letter to the NLRB’s General Counsel Peter Robb on Wednesday, informing him that any decision to fund the board at levels lower than what Congress appropriated would be “an extreme act of bad faith” in violation of federal budget laws. “We remind you…

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Dems: CIA Concealing Haspel Records, Showing “Nothing but Contempt for the Senate and the Public”


The first step of President Trump’s ongoing cabinet shuffle is nearly complete, but there remains doubt about what will follow. Current CIA Director Mike Pompeo looks set to be confirmed as Secretary of State, after dramatically being reported out of committee on Monday. There are, however, still impediments for Pompeo’s nominated replacement, current CIA Deputy Director Gina Haspel. Haspel’s selection by President Trump has attracted opposition from Democrats and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)–because of her involvement in the CIA post-9/11 torture program, and the subsequent…

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France’s Macron Throws Support Behind New Iran Agreement Discussions


President Donald Trump received a lifeline from French President Emmanuel Macron, who on Tuesday said his nation was prepared to begin work on a second nuclear deal with Iran. Macron said he hopes the current agreement—known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)—would remain in place as a “pillar” of a new deal, but acknowledged that it is ultimately President Trump’s responsibility. The current pact with Iran is next up for re-certification on May 12, and President Trump has given every indication that he…

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Yahoo Successor Settles S.E.C. Data Breach Charges for $35 Million


The company that emerged with the remnants of Yahoo! Inc. was slapped with a $35 million fine because the former internet giant sat for two years on news of a major cybersecurity breach. Altaba agreed to pay the penalty in a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission announced on Tuesday by the agency. SEC officials said Yahoo’s senior management had been made aware of the data intrusion “within days,” but the company “failed to properly investigate the circumstances of the breach.” Disclosure of the…

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U.S. Prepares to Strike First, Study Intel Later in Syria


President Trump is threatening imminent retaliation against the Syrian government over alleged chemical weapons attacks, but on Wednesday his Defense chief said that the incident is still being reviewed. Journalists at the Pentagon asked Secretary James Mattis if he was confident that the Assad government was responsible for the strike, which happened over the weekend. The attack took place in the Damascus suburb of Douma, reportedly killing 49 civilians. Mattis demurred, saying, “We’re still assessing the intelligence, ourselves and our allies. We’re still working on…

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Trump’s Scandal-Plagued Labor Board Soon Back to Full Strength


Republicans look set this week to fill the vacancy on President Trump’s embattled National Labor Relations Board. The Senate on Tuesday voted 50-47 to limit debate on John Ring, the nominee to fill the seat previously held by former NLRB chair Phil Miscimarra. Ring is currently a partner with Morgan Lewis & Bockius, a union-busting management side law firm, based in Philadelphia. Some of his recent major clients include Amazon, Marriott, Xerox, and Google, according to financial disclosures. Miscimarra stepped down in December, after quickly…

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U.S. Schools Disproportionately Punish Black Students, GAO Report Confirms


Heavy-handed racialized punishment starts at an early age, the Government Accountability Office confirmed on Wednesday. The federal watchdog released a report finding that Black students are over-represented among severely reprimanded elementary, middle and high school students. While Black children and teenagers make up 15.5 percent of all public school students, they’re disproportionately represented among the number of students who have received out-of-school suspensions (38.7 percent), school-related arrests (34.9 percent), and expulsions (30.1 percent). And while boys are over-represented among students who receive major punishments, Black…

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Pruitt Goes on Brown Nose Offensive, Amid Uproar over Ethics Scandals


President Trump’s top environmental regulator on Tuesday unveiled his proposal to reverse Obama administration standards on vehicle emissions. Scott Pruitt touted the move in an announcement at the Environmental Protection Agency, amid a new storm of controversy over his ethics practices. “This President has had tremendous courage in saying to the American people that America is going to be put first,” Pruitt said. The move, if upheld, will cancel new rules on models slated to come out in the middle of next decade. Pruitt has…

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SCOTUS Sides With Trigger-Happy Cops, Again


The Supreme Court has issued yet another decision shielding police officers from excessive force lawsuits. Justices issued a per curiam opinion on Monday, in Hughes v. Kisela, siding in favor of a Tuscon, Ariz. police officer who shot a woman four times after responding to a 911 call about erratic behavior. In issuing their ruing, SCOTUS reversed a Ninth Circuit decision, which said Andrew Kisela should face a civil jury trial brought by the woman he shot, Amy Hughes. Two liberal justices dissented: Sonia Sotomayor…

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Lawmakers Push FBI to Probe Kushner-Saudi Crown Prince Ties


Members of Congress are calling on the FBI to investigate Jared Kushner, after a report was published alleging he has questionable ties to Mohammed bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. Six Democratic Representatives asked Bureau Director Christopher Wray to initiate a probe of the White House aide and President’s son-in-law, citing an Intercept article published last week. The report said that in October 2017, Kushner revealed in person to Salman the names of disloyal Saudi royal family members. In November 2017, the Saudi…

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Dems Rolled by GOP Dirty Procedure Tricks, Vote to Keep Government Open Anyway


House Democrats cried foul as their Republican counterparts rammed through legislation to keep the government funded until September. And then most of them supported the underlying bill, anyway. The lower chamber passed a $1.3-trillion omnibus funding bill on Thursday, in a 256-167 vote, one day before the last short-term funding bill was set to expire. Most Democrats backed the measure, after every member of the party but one rejected the terms of debate, which were controversially adopted by the House in a procedural motion just…

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