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Govt. Watchdog to Trump: Do Something About Food Safety


In a report issued on Monday, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) called on the White House to implement a national food safety plan to address weaknesses in the current oversight regime. The watchdog cited negative outcomes in the existing system due to excessive fragmentation, with more than 3,000 agencies involved in the majority of food safety initiatives. “Although the US food supply is generally considered safe, foodborne illness remains a costly, common public health problem,” the report stated. It went on to recommend that the…

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Energy Dept.: Fracked Oil to Account for 60 Percent of U.S. Crude Output Over Next 23 Years


The majority of crude oil produced in the US over the next few decades will come from fracked wells, according to a research arm of the Energy Department. “Tight oil” from the lower 48 states is projected to account for some 60 percent of total oil production between last year and 2040, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said on Monday. The agency said that fracking oil production is expected to ramp up to 6 million barrels per day, well into next decade. Output will then…

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Reverse Deja-Vu: Pentagon Accuses Russia of Undermining U.S. Military in Afghanistan


The United States and Russia are on the precipice of a proxy conflict in Afghanistan, three decades after the Soviet military was defeated in the country, by CIA-backed militants. The commander of US Forces in Afghanistan referenced intelligence outlining possible Russian support for the Taliban, when appearing Thursday before the Senate Armed Services Committee. Gen. John Nicholson, however, said he couldn’t openly discuss reports of Moscow giving the Taliban “money, materiel or fighters,” when asked by Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.). “There is some classified reporting…

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Trump Declares “New Era of Justice” as Session Takes Oath


Violent crime rates are at a near 20-year low, but the President of the United States tasked his newly sworn-in Attorney General to get a hold of the “gang members and drug dealers terrorizing” the nation. Former Sen. Jeff Session (R-Ala.) was sworn in during a ceremony in the Oval Office on Thursday. Afterward, President Trump signed three executive orders that he described as “designed to restore safety in America.” One measure directs the Department of Justice to create a task force on reducing violent…

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Following Army Corps Approval, DAPL Fight Heads to Courts, Washington


Barring an order from the courts, construction will resume imminently on the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline—fulfilling one of President Donald Trump’s first executive actions. On Wednesday, the US Army Corps of Engineers announced it would grant easement to the fossil fuel infrastructure project, which had been halted in the final months of the Obama administration. The corps concurrently killed a planned environmental impact statement (EIS) on the pipeline’s final leg, which crosses North Dakota’s Lake Oahe, near critical water supplies and areas considered sacred by the Standing…

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Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Label Could Come Next Week, Despite Career Officials’ Objections


The Trump administration on Monday was on the verge of naming the Muslim Brotherhood a foreign terrorist organization (FTO), but held off in the face of concerns from within the US government. President Trump and the White House strongly back the proposal, according to The New York Times, but “career officials at the State Department and the National Security Council” are delaying the designation. “Former officials said that they had been told the order would be signed on Monday, but that it had now been…

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D.H.S. Chief Kelly Floats Making Visitors to U.S. “Give Us Your Passwords”


Appearing before a congressional panel on Tuesday, the Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly proposed requiring foreign travelers to the US to provide immigration officers with social media account log-ins. Kelly faced questioning on the issue from Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.), who urged the department to “increase its efforts to dig into” social media activity of visa applicants. The DHS chief concurred, stating that he was looking into “enhanced” screening, regardless of the current order blocking implantation of President Trump’s Muslim ban. “If someone wants to…

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Trump Admin. Continues to Float Protester Conspiracy


In his first few weeks in office, Donald Trump has faced relentless agitation from people in the streets, with protesters reacting to his Muslim Ban executive order, his anti-immigration plans, and the appointment of white nationalist Steve Bannon to a top job in the White House. In response, the administration has, without proof, spun an elaborate tale for all the dissent. Speaking to Fox News on Monday, Sean Spicer again floated the idea that protesters who’ve taken to the streets against Trump and alt-right figureheads like…

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Trump Dodd-Frank Assault Could Move $100 Billion from Banking Reserves to Shareholders of Six Largest Firms


The Trump administration’s recent push to roll back Dodd-Frank could see massive amounts of wealth transferred from buffers on financial instability directly to owners of the largest banks in the country. A reversal of post-crisis regulations ordered by the White House could eventually see some $100 billion move from banking reserves directly to shareholders of the six largest financial firms, the Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday night. Relaxed rules would likely see banks use existing reserves to finance higher divided payments and stock buy-backs—moves that…

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Another Committee Suspends Rules to Ram Through Trump Nominee


Senate Republicans changed committee procedures to advance Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Environmental Protection Agency. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee chair John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) on Thursday suspended rules requiring at least one member of the minority to be present for a quorum. Republicans then one-by-one voted to approve of Trump’s choice to be the leading US environmental regulator, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt. Senate Democrats on the committee had boycotted the vote on Pruitt because they were unhappy with answers he gave them during…

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White House Admits Yemen Raid Not 100% Success, Insiders Describe a Disaster


Days after President Donald Trump authorized his first secret military operation—a counter-terror intelligence raid in Yemen—the Pentagon is admitting that civilians were likely killed in the firefight. US Central Command acknowledged in a statement Wednesday night that the Seal Team 6 raid on a remote village in central Yemen on Sunday resulted in noncombatant casualties, which “may include children.” Also killed in the operation was Navy SEAL Chief Petty Officer William “Ryan” Owens. Three other service members were wounded. And a $75 million helicopter had…

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