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Top GOP Congressman Salivating after Senate Passes Dodd-Frank Reversal


The chief House Republican overseeing the banking industry is trying to tack on nearly thirty additional bills to the deregulatory package that just passed the Senate with the help of centrist Democrats. Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) on Wednesday applauded the upper chamber’s approval of legislation paring back the framework enacted in 2010 by the Dodd-Frank Act. Parts of the proposal will relax rules on some of the country’s largest banks. “I look forward to combining them with our helpful House bipartisan banking bills and getting…

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Rand Paul Rejects State-CIA Musical Chairs, Calls for “Solidarity of the Democrats”


A conservative senator is complicating President Trump’s ongoing cabinet shuffle, though the tumult could be smoothed over by compliant Democrats from across the aisle. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Wednesday he will oppose Trump’s bid to name Mike Pompeo, the current Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, as Secretary of State. The lawmaker said he would similarly vote against the nomination of Gina Haspel to replace Pompeo, as head of the CIA. Haspel is the current Deputy Director of the Agency. Paul hit out at…

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Pentagon Denies Responsibility for Helping Destroy Yemen, But It Isn’t Keeping Records


“Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil” appears to be official Defense Department policy on its role in the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen. The head of Central Command (CENTCOM) told lawmakers on Tuesday that the Pentagon doesn’t chronicle details of the specific Saudi air missions supported by the US military. Gen. Joseph Votel also denied the United States was “one of the parties” to the war, and put the blame for fighting squarely on Houthi rebels. “There is certainly a humanitarian disaster…

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After “Rexit,” Iran Nuke Deal in Peril


President Donald Trump told reporters that he fired Rex Tillerson because he wanted to kill the Iran nuclear deal and his Secretary of State did not. America’s top diplomat was forced out on Tuesday morning after a tumultuous year on the job, and months of rumors that the former oilman’s ouster was imminent. “We disagreed on things,” Trump said of Tillerson, hours after news broke of the termination. “When you look at the Iran deal, I think its’ terrible, the President added. “I guess [Tillerson]…

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Deconstruction of Obama Regulatory Agenda Continues: Animal Welfare Rule Repealed


The US Department of Agriculture announced Monday it would rescind a regulation aimed at improving animal conditions at certain slaughterhouses. In an announcement to be published in the Federal Register, the department claimed the rule exceeded its statutory authority. The regulation would have affected participants in the National Organic Program, requiring them to take a number of steps to improve the well-being of poultry and livestock. In order to keep their organic certification, the rule stipulated that producers must ensure chickens have free movement within…

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At Eleventh Hour, Senate Banking Deregulation Threatens Consumer Data Security


Last minute changes to the Senate’s financial deregulation bill could expose sensitive private information to additional malefactors, while weakening remedies for those harmed by negligent cybersecurity practices. “Corrections” to the legislation offered late Wednesday evening by co-sponsors include language that would forbid Americans from suing bungling credit reporting agencies like Equifax, according to Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio.) The eleventh hour amendments would also permit “credit card companies to tap the Social Security Administration database to verify identities,” Brown said late Thursday morning. “There hasn’t been…

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Pelosi Retreats in Dreamer fight


Congress is set to consider a long-term spending measure next week, and the Democrats’ leader in the House offered up disappointing news about the process to Dreamers and gun reform advocates. Speaking to reporters on Thursday, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said that her caucus would not insist on a DACA fix or new gun control measures as part of the omnibus spending bill coming down the pike. The government runs out of money again on March 23, providing Democrats with leverage to demand Dreamer…

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They’re Lovin’ It: Dems Press NLRB about Bungled Rule Repeal, McDonald’s Case


The National Labor Relations Board must continue pursuing litigation against McDonald’s under an Obama-era standard now that the standard has been restored, Democratic lawmakers said on Tuesday. In January, Trump’s Board had obtained a delay in the lawsuit against the fast food giant after rolling back the 2015 joint-employer rule—a regulation that made corporations responsible for “indirect control” exerted over franchise labor practices. The case used as a vehicle to annul the rule, Hy-Brand, was vacated by the Board last month. T he NLRB Inspector General…

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With Support of 16 Senate Dems, Banks With More Than $1 Trillion Will Be Able to Sue If they Don’t Like Dodd-Frank Rules


Legislation that would relax major post-financial crisis banking regulations moved one step closer to clearing the Senate and becoming law. The upper chamber voted on Tuesday 67-32 to limit debate on the bill, setting the stage for its final passage later this week. Sixteen Democrats backed the motion to advance the legislation; twelve of them are cosponsors. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) offered no criticism of the bill, in his regular morning remarks on Tuesday, just fifteen minutes before the vote. Every single Republican…

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Trump’s Spy Chief Admits Destroying Iranian Nuke Deal Could Harm U.S. Intel


The President’s case for scrapping the Iranian nuclear agreement was undermined by his Director of National Intelligence on Tuesday. Appearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee, DNI Dan Coats testified that undoing the agreement could diminish US intel on Iran’s capabilities. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as it’s formally known, was implemented in 2015 during the Obama administration. The framework has long been the focus of derision from Republican lawmakers and the new administration. In submitted testimony to the Senate panel on Tuesday,…

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Citing Stock Market Concerns, Of Course, Paul Ryan Prepares for First Showdown with Trump


After President Trump’s first tumultuous thirteen months in office, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) looks set to finally have a major confrontation with the White House. Ryan issued a statement on Monday critical of Trump’s decision to propose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, in objections that yielded public indifference from the President. “No, we’re not backing down,” Trump said, when asked by a reporter to respond to Ryan’s criticism of the plan. Staffers for Ryan had said they “are extremely worried about the consequences…

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